A Year in France
Long term volunteers in France at La Giraudiere can benefit from a reduced price €112 per week yes that €16 per day. That is with 3 meals a day, weekly French lessons, your accommodation and all the other inclusive items that short term volunteers benefit from. and the cost with 3 meals per day is simply €112 per WEEK (that’s €16 per day) plus 24 hours each week of your time working and helping the project in south west France.
The work is probably the type of work your like, it may be marketing, social media, general office duties or maybe you like a bit of gardening, painting, building or housekeeping, it is up to you.
The main conditions are;
1. You are prepared to stay and volunteer long term at La Giraudiere, minimum 13 weeks.
2. You have a skill, trade or something that will help the progress of La Giraudiere.
3. You are eligible to stay in France for the term you choose for your volunteering holiday.
4. You realise that you will have to pay for your health, travel and accident assurance.
5. You understand that you are responsible for your travel costs to get to La Giraudiere.
If you are eligible you could stay up to a year in France at La Giraudiere.
“Why pay enormous rents when you can live in France for €16 per day all in, and help in a place people would pay €1000’s for?”.
Live in France for a year
“On your own, then rent your house out and come and help us in France, the rent you would receive would pay for your time in France, with plus over.”
“Thinking of living in France? or maybe thinking of buying a property in France then come and try it out, La Giraudiere is open all year so come and see what the winters in France offer and what life in France is like during the summer season.”
“Interested in this Unique French experience then email us at program@lagiraudiere.com with “Year in France” in the subject and I will send you further info and how to apply.”