Angouleme Airport

South west France

Angouleme Airport It was early 2010, when Michel Boutant, president of the department council which is part of Smac, uttered some pretty harsh words about a certain Irish Airline company, accusing them of blackmail and of being ‘swindlers’ according to an article in the Charente Libre newspaper.

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angouleme airport map
Angouleme Airport

According to a more recent report in the Charente Libre the airport owners – the local authority consortium Syndicat mixte des aeroports de Charente (Smac) state there are plans for a British airline to resume flights to UK and to Irlenad from 2013′ But, that ca;e and passed. We are still looking out for news as there is gossip of a another consortium, or airline, also wishing to start up services.

angoule;e airport reception

Flights are arriving at Angouleme Airport

The airport is a very good looking airport and for sure more of the needed logistics will come into place as the airport expands. Already Angouleme airport is much more organized than say some of the neigbouring airports such as Poitiers, Bergerac and Limoges for a start there is ample free parking available.

There is an information desk and there was a well stocked bar which also offerd snacks and meals it is just a shame that it has no flights. Once flights start again I am sure they will take off again.

The website address for the Aeroport was

entrance to angoule;e airport

Presently the airport hosts the L’Aéroclub d’Angoulême, it is also the home for the Association des Ailes Angoumoisines & Charentaises, also, the airbus flight academy europe is based at Angoule;e Airport along with the helicopter training center Heli-union training center.

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All in place at Angouleme Airport

If you are fortunate enougth to have your own plane then again at Angoulême you have all the service you need from Landing strip to refueling your plane. So as we say all is in place just waiting for an airline to land upon this ge; in the South West of France

Qngoule;e location map
Angoulême Airport Location
Airports in the
South West of France
Poitiers AirportAngoulême AirportLa Rochelle Airport
Bergerac AirportBordeaux AirportLimoges Airport
Map showing the location of
Airports in South West France

Airports South West France in The South West of France