Volunteering experience abroad
Queens University Undergraduate chooses La Giraudiere for his first volunteering abroad experience. A full time undergraduate music student who was in his second year at Queens University decided to volunteer at La Giraudiere during the summer of 2014.
Salwan Cartwright-Shamoon had never worked in the construction or gardening and never used a washing machine. Sal had to cook for a group of 8, during his term, again a total new experience for Sal. Sal grasped all the challenges that La Giraudiere had to offer and surpassed all the expectations of myself and the group.
Thank you Sal for choosing La Giraudiere and contributing in the way that you only know it was great living and working with you for sure three weeks I will always remember and thanks again for the testimonial and looking forward to seeing you back here for Christmas 2015.
You can read Salwans testimonial by visiting Salwans Testimonial