Husband and Wife Volunteers from Tasmania
Colin and Janet came to La Giraudière as part of a nine week stay in Europe. Colin still
works full-time as a government geologist-scientist and Janet works as a clerk for the Tasmania Police. They live in Geilston Bay in Tasmania.Colin was skilled in the use of computers but also enjoyed gardening and maintenance whilst Janet described herself as a passionate gardener.
Both helped the project in a variety of ways. They heard about La Giraudière through a friend and spent ten days here finding it very good value for money. Colin said he found the programme very flexible and both enjoyed the group outings, the shared tasks and eating together. It was suggested that sending the orientation manual out in advance would be useful!
Colin remarked in a video how he and Janet had the opportunity to interact with the local community, which they did not expect.
You can see them in the videos at You Tube videos or on our website videos.
A big thank you to Colin and Janet for choosing La Giraudiere and hopefully see you back here again soon.