YERRF project has a new volunteer from Spain

Spain’s Erasmus volunteer arrives at La Giraudière


Agusti, a volunteer from Valencia, Spain, arrived at La Giraudière two weeks ago.
He came here to become part of the YERRF project and do his first erasmus volunteering experience in France.
At this moment, at La Giraudière, he learned to live his life calmly and as he always says that he prepares the work “avec le calm”.
In the past days in the association, he had done a lot of activities, he has been involved in the YERRF project, he also learned about accounting, and now he is gardening because it is important to him to be in contact with nature.
He is attending his French lessons and exploring the culture around here.
The YERRF entrepeneurship project and learning French are still his priorities at La Giraudière.

About La Giraudiere

The whole idea of the La Giraudiere project is for people of all backgrounds, all ages, all nationalities to have the chance to live together learn about each others lifestyle exchange their knowledge, experiences and skills whilst living and working together in France and at the same time helping, improving and adding to the Project for those to come in the future. To see the different types of volunteers work that has been done and what is still required visit our website
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