Each year La Giraudiere hosts #volunteers and #interns of all ages, backgrounds and nationalities. The accommodation fees we collect pay to finance the running of our culture exchange center which is totally staffed by volunteers.
This year we have lost April, May, June and maybe some more. Yesterday the primeminister in France annouced the start of the finish of the present lock down so maybe we will be osting volunteers and interns from July to October but we now it will be difficult for those to arrange transport and other logistics.
So although, for the moment, we have no wages to find this year we still have to pay loans, taxes, rates, insurance and maintain the center in readiness for when we can reopen. As a non profit association based in France we have always put back into the project any surplus achieved and therefore have never provided or produced funds for such a situation which we find ourselves in due to the #coronavirus or #Covid19.
We now look to friends and those who have either benefited from their time at La Giraudiere and feel they can help us get through thus difficult time. Maybe you were due to arrive this year as a first timer or maybe La Giraudiere was to be something for you later.
Fundraiser in France
You can help by making a donation to our fundraiser which is located at http://www.gofundme.com/f/help-save-our-project-in-france, you can also help by sharing our #fundraiser among your friends and family.
Please also share and like our various posts and comments on our social media concerning the fund raiser. Any help you can offer would be appreciated for those of you who have never been to La Giraudiere then you can read more about us at our website http://www.lagiraudiere.com/about_us.html
“A big thank you for any help you offer”