As a new season begins at La Giraudiere, volunteers have begun to arrive gradually from all around the world. First volunteer to arrive comes from Germany. A few days later another volunteer arrived from Denmark. A short time later another two volunteers arrived on the same day, one from New Zealand and the other from America.
Esme born in New Zealand chooses La Giraudiere for her first Volunteer abroad experience on her first day here she helping with photos for the Brossac Braderie. Esme hopes to improve her French during her 4 week stay.
Carolina was the secound volunteere to arrive for 2023 spring program just in time to take part in the Monday morning visit to Chalais market. Carolina states she tasted the best Hummus ever during her visit to the market.
Marek from the USA arrives at La Giraudiere following an internship he carried out in Italy. Marek immediately dives into the work at La Giraudiere helping with the creation of the Brossac Braderie. Because of the variety of chores on offer, La Giraudiere became the prime target of his solo trip to Europe. Marek is hoping to increase his knowledge of building skills whether it be building a house or a website.
Valentina from Germany arrived four days ago and was the first volunteer for the Spring Group 2023. This is the last trip abroad prior to entering the working world. Valentina immediately took on the task of cleaning some of the bicycles and testing them by visiting the local lakes.