La Giraurdière Volunteers for Many Reasons
Learning French and discovering French culture are great reasons to volunteer at La Giraurdière. But they aren’t the only reasons. I was reading over some of the old posts and testimonials for La Giraudiere and I came across this one from volunteer Tom Clinch that really struck a chord with me. People come from all over the world to this little corner of France for all sorts of reasons. Most cited is that they want to improve their French and the next most popular reason seems to be an interest in French culture. Excellent reasons and I must admit they are at the top of my list. However, they can be off putting for anyone not confident in their language skills or at least not confident in negotiating a foreign country without being able to speak to the natives. But Tom’s reason is so simple and clear that it should cast away any fears of traveling to La Giraudière. He simply wants to get away from it all; to put aside all the worries of modern living and experience a simpler way of living for a few weeks. Learning a new language and about a different culture all becomes incidental and a by – product of life at La Giraudière. Read Tom’s post below and see if it doesn’t help to dispel any doubts you may have about not being up to the challenge of living in another country for just a few weeks.
Bonjour to all at La Giraudiere. I’m not a Facebook, Twitter or Google+ user and, yes, I still read books
made out of actual paper! So last century, I know. Anyway I did want to write a few words about my time at LG. You can modify and trim them to post wherever you like. May of 2014 marked my second visit to La Giraudiere. I had been there the prior year at the same time and had enjoyed my time very much. Volunteering at LG is a very liberating experience in that one is able to put all the distractions and routines of home life and slip into new patterns, new activities and make new friends. The pace of life and the living at LG are so comfortable, not due to luxuries but, rather, the environment that Paul has created both at LG and with the local people in Brossac. You’ll never feel more welcome even if you don’t speak a word of French. Volunteering at LG is a totally different experience than any vacation you’ll ever take. I do recommend that if you’re working in an office or a classroom and are intrigued by the idea of actually living a normal type life in beautiful, laid-back Southwest France you should give La Giraudiere a try. Hope this is useful. Remind Paul that he owes me a picture of the big piece of furniture set in its place in the old house. A couple of us worked tirelessly to get it there. Well, not really.
Best regards to Sydney.
Tom Clinch
Travel writer Terrence Cremin writes about his experiences as a volunteer at La Giraudière