It’s a VV day as La Giraudiere’s first Venezuelan volunteer arrives!

This early morning saw Irvin off; today he has left for Brussels and then Paris before heading back to America. The past three weeks have just flown by with him here and the Brossac website is looking very good thanks to him! Gayle and Derrick also left this Saturday morning but they’ll be back on Monday after going back to the cave painting times in Dordoigne.

After lunch we all headed down to the lake to enjoy the sunshine where we made our way to the infamous rope swing where we had great fun swinging into the cool water until our arms ached from all the fun.

In the evening we met our new arrival Marisela, our first Venezuelan here at LG, before we all headed down to Barbezieux for the Charente fête where we enjoyed some delicious roast chicken, fresh strawberries and home made ice cream.

About La Giraudiere

The whole idea of the La Giraudiere project is for people of all backgrounds, all ages, all nationalities to have the chance to live together learn about each others lifestyle exchange their knowledge, experiences and skills whilst living and working together in France and at the same time helping, improving and adding to the Project for those to come in the future. To see the different types of volunteers work that has been done and what is still required visit our website
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