La Giraudière Springs into Life
Here at La Giraudière, we take great pride in our landscape and we try to ensure it is always well maintained. As part of this, we have numerous flowers that bloom at all different times throughout the year of varying colours and sizes.
For you avid gardeners out there, we’re always looking for volunteers to help with the garden maintenance and we thought it would be nice to document the current flowers in bloom in Spring around LG.
We would like to bring you a follow up to this post of the other plants that bloom later on in the year to show you the wide variety of flowers we have here!
These Garden Roses are often hybrid roses that are one of the most popular flowering plants throughout the world. Most of the older types of hybrid roses only flower once per year and require very minimal pruning.
“Floribunda” is latin for “many flowering” and is again a hybrid rose. During one year, these plants can flower numerous times but never a specific amount of times as it depends on the temperature and frost of the country.
More commonly known as a Buttercup, this flower can be classed as a weed by some gardeners but here at LG we love the colour they bring to the garden! A little fact about Buttercups that many people don’t know is that they are actually poisonous hence cattle and other animals avoid eating them!
Another plant that is often marked as an invasive species is the Oxeye Daisy (sometimes referred to as the Penny Daisy in the UK). In plant symbolism, the Oxeye Daisy represents patience.
Another name for this plant is a Pink Woodsorrel. This plant is the only plant on the list that is edible but only in small quantities as there is a high quantity of oxalic acid in the leaves. This quantity can be reduced by cooking the leaves.
We found this plant in the back of the garden and after hours of googling and asking our friends, we still don’t know what it is! If you could help us identify this plant then please get in contact with us as we would love to know!
By La Giraudiere May 17, 2018 - 4:13 PM
If you are interested in volunteering at La Giraudier then visit the website at Volunteering In France