It is sad to say that it’s three of our friends last workday today.
Before heading off in the rental car, Jim spent his last morning showing Elizabeth how to drive a stick shift-very brave on both accounts! Elizabeth said that he is a very patient teacher.
Work continued on the steps out back and even Sidney helped out. The cement was mixed and poured for three steps.
They tried to hurry and finish their work before the rain came, but it came too soon. Luckily, we don’t mind playing in the rain! It’s probably needed anyway for the LG garden.
Katie picked up the shopping and the business on the internet.
It was both Denise’s and Marisela’s last work day at LG. Check out Denise’s finished product at:
Gabrielle is making a chicken stew for dinner to warm us up from the rainy day.
After dinner Paul taught us a new card game and then proceeded to beat us all!