Christmas Volunteering in
France at La Giraudière
Christmas volunteering at La Giraudiere is possible this year. Yes the La Giraudiere association “Les Amis de La Giraudiere” is going to put together a Christmas full of festivities and Christmas Tradition in Brossac which will provide forteen days of festive fun.
This weekend there is a meeting at La Giraudiere of the officers and members of the association and on the table are the following proposals.
A “Marche de noel” or Christmas Market where artists, crafts persons, antiqitaires and Christmas related trades people can display their wares. There will also be a pere noel, yes a Father Christmas. Hot mince pies and vin chaud, hot spicy wine, will also be provided. Suggestions about who should be the pere noel are allready arriving and top canidate is Arnaud.
An International Christmas evening with a local choir visiting and providing traditional Christmas carols and songs from around the world “I am dreaming of a white Christmas” is bound to be on the list and what about silent night well it is endless I cannot wait.
Christmas day at La Giraudiere with a traditional English and or a French Christmas dinner and other events are planned including around the globe visit via skype to pass Christmas greetings to the international friends and volunteers of La Giraudiere. The principle idea is that no one in Brossac should pass Christmas alone as all will be invited.
Lastly and by no means least if our energy can last the festive season will finish with a new years dinner party for all those involved and volunteered their services.
There will be a link published upon the website to the pages which will explain more about the program and how you can help for the moment I will provide the main page link at Christmas volunteering in France
Christmas volunteering in France could be the perfect start to a
happier and healthier new year.