Author Archives: La Giraudiere
About La Giraudiere
The whole idea of the La Giraudiere project is for people of all backgrounds, all ages, all nationalities to have the chance to live together learn about each others lifestyle exchange their knowledge, experiences and skills whilst living and working together in France and at the same time helping, improving and adding to the Project for those to come in the future. To see the different types of volunteers work that has been done and what is still required visit our websiteCoronavirus update from La Giraudière
Following on from previous posts this is an update as to what is happening here at La Giraudiere. How we still hope to recover some of our 2020 season from the coronavirus epidemic. As France slowly starts to come out … Continue reading
CoronaVirus in France & La Giraudière
Following on from our previous post at the end of March concerning the 2020 volunteers and interns season at La Giraudiere. In France we are still in a lock down but there is some light starting to appear in these … Continue reading
Corona Virus may kill La Giraudiere Season.
Ref: Corona Virus and La Giraudiere 2020/21 Season. Usually, this time of year, I would be sending volunteers and interns the up to date version of La Giraudiere’s orientation guide which I have done today but, it is with a heavy … Continue reading
Muriel apprendre anglais en France
Bonjour, Je m’appelle Muriel, je suis Française et j’ai 58 ans . Je suis venue à La Giraudière (L G) dans l’objectif d’apprendre l’anglais. Ici j’ai rencontré des personnes de différentes nationalités qui sont venues pour apprendre le Français. Ainsi j’ai … Continue reading
Bénévole Italienne en Brossac
Est a la Giraudière, aimable village dans le sud-est de la France, ou j’ai décidé de passer mon période de volontariat européen. Je suis Marta, j’ai 22 ans et je suis italienne. Après mon degré en science internationales et diplomatie, … Continue reading