An American volunteers in France and sends thanks
Karyssa who recently graduated from University of Colorado in USA with a BA in International affairs and a minor in French took time to send her thanks for participating in the summer 2013 volunteer program at La Giraudiere.Kary stayed for 5 weeks leaving us on the 19th September during her stay she worked in the Gardens, helped put up and prepare ceilings for painting, plunged into the social media and blogging of the project and prepared some lovely meals for the group
Kary thank you for all that you did at La Giraudiere, none of it went un-noticed, it was a pleasure working with you and it is people like you that make my work here worth while. Your smile around the house and sense of caring are sadly missed – Paul
Karyssa testimonial is as follow;
“I chose La Giraudiere as the first stop on my first ever solo traveling experience. Leaving my home in the US to live at an unknown place on the other side of the world and live with complete strangers was intimidating, to say the least, but it ended up being an absolutely incredible experience. The setting was beautiful; the exposure to French culture was fantastic; the food was delicious; but the best part of all was the people. I was amazed that a group of people of various ages, nationalities, and backgrounds got along so well and became such good friends in such a short period of time. We worked together, we ate together, we explored together, and we shared some wonderful moments together. In addition, the community of Brossac was so welcoming, so generous, and so willing to share the French language and culture with us. I learned that humor, kindness, and friendship can surpass language and cultural barriers. Thank you Paul, for working so hard to create such an incredible opportunity!