Cross-cultural communication in France
This is to say a big THANK YOU to Marcella – our volunteer from the United States – who arrived four weeks ago to experience unique French culture. Unfortunately she left La Giraudière last week to go back to Scotland where she spends her semester abroad.
During her time at La Giraudière Marcella’s main project was the improvement of our orientation guide, which is sent to every volunteer or intern in advance to on the one hand provide them with the most important information about La Giraudière and on the other hand to give them an overview about La Giraudière’s surrounding area. Marcella finished this task very efficiently which made it possible to take over other jobs too. She helped to prepare the appartements for the arrival of other volunteers, did a lot of weeding and other important work in the garden.
Furthermore, during her stay at La Giraudière Marcella improved her French language skills by interacting with the local community on a daily basis. She also got to know French culture including its traditions and lifestyle. This experience of cross-cultural communication and cultural exchange will be very helpful for her studies, her personal life and her future career.
Marcella is now back in Scotland finishing her final exams for this semester. After that she will spend her summer in Italy teaching English as she is a qualified T.E.F.L (Teaching English as a foreign languange) teacher. We wish this talented young lady all the best for her future career and would like to thank her very much for her extraordinary effort and help which made it possible to finish off many projects.