Hotels in The South West of France
Hotels in the South West of France, The region of South West France is probably easier to find hotel accommodation when compared to the South of France. Although the region has Fewer hotels it does have a slight increase in reception capacity. So we arrive at Less hotels but more rooms.
Hotels Nouvelle Aquitaine South West France
In Nouvelle-Aquitaine, the traditional classified and unclassified hotel industry was made up of 1,883 establishments as of January 1, 2019. Fifth French region by the size of its stock (10.6% of hotels), it is placed behind the Occitanic regions , Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, Île-de-France and Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes.
The number of hotels fell by 3.4% compared to January 1, 2015. Thus, between 2015 and 2019, 215 establishments ceased their activity: economic failures and cessation of activity without a buyer in addition to changes in activity, in particular reconversions into colocation, social accommodation, project accommodation or hotel residences. At the same time, 148 hotels are opening through pure creations or reopening of hotels that have been inactive for several years.

Hotels Decrease in the region Nouvelle Aquitaine
Despite a decrease in the number of establishments, the capacity of nouvelle-Aquitaine hotels is still increasing (+ 0.3%), reaching 55,121 rooms on January 1, 2019. Indeed, if the supply of accommodation in long-term hotels is reduced (- 0.4%), new hotels have, on average, a higher capacity than establishments that have closed: 24 rooms instead of 15.
Hotels are Transforming in South West France
The region concentrates 8.6% of the national reception capacity, a quarter of the supply being located in the Île-de-France region. Hotel accommodation capacity is declining in two out of three neo-Aquitaine departments (Figure 1).
The openings generate 3,608 new rooms, mainly located in Charente-Maritime, Gironde and Pyrénées-Atlantiques, the three most important parks in the region. However, these last two departments also accumulate 40% of the closed rooms, thus testifying to the transformation of the hotel park; in the region, hotel closures have resulted in the disappearance of 3,240 rooms.
Hotel Ratings
Hotel ratings are often used to classify hotels according to their quality. From the initial purpose of informing travellers on basic facilities that can be expected, the objectives of hotel rating have expanded into a focus on the hotel experience as a whole. Today the terms ‘grading’, ‘rating’, and ‘classification’ are used to generally refer to the same concept, that is to categorize hotels normally with stars.
There is a wide variety of rating schemes used by different organizations around the world. Many have a system involving stars, with a greater number of stars indicating greater luxury. Forbes Travel Guide, formerly Mobil Travel Guide, launched its star rating system in 1958. In France the star system is used but personally I have found some 2 star hotels very close to 4 star !!

Hotels South West France Star ratings
Food services, entertainment, view, room variations such as size and additional amenities, spas and fitness centres, ease of access and location may be considered in establishing a standard. When writing this it reminded me of an hotel I had booked for a trip to China prior to leaving France I received an email stating for an extra 5 euros I could have a window in the room. I replied yes please upon arrival there was a brick wall 1 meter from my window. I had to laugh
Hotels are independently assessed in traditional systems and rest heavily on the facilities provided. Some consider this disadvantageous to smaller hotels whose quality of accommodation could fall into one class but the lack of an item such as an elevator would prevent it from reaching a higher categorization. This explains why I find some very nice 2 star hotels in France.
Eventually we hope to provide you with links to some Hotels in our region of South West France.